Email: ajmorris@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5585
CV | Google Scholar
Amanda Morris is the Patricia Caldwell Faculty Fellow and Professor of Inorganic and Energy Chemistry at Virginia Tech. Her research education, conducted at Penn State University (B.S.), Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D.), and Princeton University (Postdoctoral), was focused on addressing critical environmental issues with fundamental science including water remediation, solar energy harvesting and storage, and carbon dioxide conversion. As her publication record shows, Morris is a classically trained photo-electrochemist with demonstrated success utilizing various techniques (cyclic voltammetry, spectroelectrochemistry, and pulsed-laser spectroscopy) to explore new frontiers in renewable energy. Her research group’s current focus is on light-matter interactions and catalysis. She has received numerous awards for her research pursuits listed below. In addition to her academic pursuits, Morris has a demonstrated record in service including the recruitment and retention of minority chemists. In recognition of this work, she has received the Alan F. Clifford Service Award and College of Science Diversity Award. She currently serves as an American Chemical Society Expert in the area of Sustainable Energy and through this effort has worked to communicate science to the broader national audience with interviews on NPR, newspaper editorials, and press conferences. She also serves as an Associate Editor of Chemical Physics Reviews and sits on the Editorial Advisory Boards for the Journal of the American Chemical Society, ChemSocRev, ACS Applied Energy Materials, and EnergyChem.
Honors and Awards
Jimmy W. Viers Teaching Award 2022
ACS Pride Chair 2022
GRC Photochemistry Vice-Chair 2021-2023
Patricia Caldwell Faculty Fellow
Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow
Inter-American Photochemical Society Young Investigator Award
John C. Schug Research Award
Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow
NSF CAREER Award Recipient
Past Chair of Energy Subdivision, Division of Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society
Past Chair of Solid-State Subdivision, Division of Inorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society
Alan F. Clifford Faculty Service Award
American Chemical Society Expert in Sustainable Energy
Diversity Development Institute – Ally Certificate, Advocate Certificate
College of Science Diversity Award
Virginia Tech Scholar of the Week
Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award